three women smiling and taking a picture

Get A Whiter, Brighter Smile


When it comes to coffee consumption, the U.S. is second to none. About 83 percent of Americans drink coffee, and the average adult drinks three cups a day! That’s a lot of coffee — especially when you consider all the damage it can do to a person’s smile.

Though your surfaces teeth may seem smooth and hard, they’re actually covered in microscopic ridges that can hold onto the dark pigments in coffee and other problematic beverages like tea and red wine. Years of exposure can cause your smile to take on a dull and yellowed appearance.

So what if you want to have a brilliant smile? Giving up coffee doesn’t seem like a reasonable solution, right? Luckily, Attleboro Family Dental Care makes it easy and convenient to remove years of dental stains to help you realize a younger looking smile!

Read on to learn more about our professional teeth whitening treatments. Then, if you’re looking for high-quality and comfortable cosmetic dentistry in Attleboro, MA, call us at 774-225-0618 to schedule a consultation!

Convenience Meets Quality

If you’re on the hunt for a convenient solution to dental stains, you might be tempted by the many over-the-counter gels and strips that are available from the drug store. But these remedies often leave your teeth sensitive and aren’t always effective.

At Attleboro Family Dental Care, we’re proud to offer Zoom whitening products, which will help you dramatically transform your smile more comfortably and in less time. Plus, it’s always a good idea to have a dentist oversee your cosmetic treatment.

Dental discoloration often stems from stains on the surface of your teeth, but sometimes, the discoloration occurs from within the tooth. This can result from trauma or certain medications. Teeth whitening treatments — even professional ones — are not effective at removing these kinds of intrinsic stains. This kind of discolorations usually requires a treatment like dental veneers, which addresses the damage by concealing it.

Our dentists will assess your individual situation and can tell you whether teeth whitening will effectively remove your dental stains before you commit to the dental work! And if it won’t help you get the results you dream of, we can recommend alternative treatments that will.

A Comfortable Process

When you opt for professional whitening treatments from Attleboro Family Dental Care, we’ll first discuss your smile goals with you. Then, we’ll take an impression of your teeth, which will be used to create a custom-made whitening tray.

Because this tray will be made to the exact specifications of your mouth, it will whiten more effectively than drugstore options. We’ll also prescribe a professional-grade whitening agent, which will be more powerful than anything you’ll find at the store.

Then, you’ll wear the trays in the convenience of your own home! You’ll be able to achieve a whiter smile while watching Netflix or sending emails. You’ll start seeing results in no time.

Personalized Care From A Team Of Experts

At Attleboro Family Dental Care, Dr. Hannawi has built up a team of experts who are passionate about creating healthy and beautiful smiles. If your smile is in need of a pick-me-up, give us a call at 774-225-0618! You can also request an appointment by filling out our online form.