How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Teeth?

How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Teeth?


Invisalign is a braces alternative that straightens misaligned teeth with nearly-invisible trays. As with traditional braces, these trays slowly push teeth into place. However, Invisalign treatments allow patients to get the healthy smile they want without the look of traditional braces. 

Invisalign offers several other benefits over traditional braces as well. For example, patients can remove the trays and eat their favorite foods, which may be banned with traditional braces. While Invisalign is an excellent option, it does take time and effort. That’s why so many people want to know just how long they will need to wear the trays. 

To estimate how long you’ll wear Invisalign, first know the average length of treatment. Then, learn what factors can influence how long treatment lasts and what you can do to keep your teeth on track. 

Average Length of Invisalign Treatment

The average Invisalign treatment is about one year after putting in the first tray. However, some people finish in just six months, while others need as much as 18 months. However, all patients notice at least some change in the first few weeks or months.

Invisalign is different from other invisible tray systems because it starts with an in-person consultation with a qualified dentist. Then, the team at Invisalign uses the information from the dentist to make your full set of trays. 

Once you get your trays, you can start wearing them. That’s when the clock starts ticking, so to speak. The average length of Invisalign treatment is 12 months after you put in the first tray.

What Causes Invisalign to Take Longer?

Several factors can change the length of your Invisalign treatment plan, such as the complexity and severity of your case, certain types of misalignments, and your personal biology. 

If your teeth are severely misaligned or there are several types of issues that the treatment needs to fix, it could take longer than average for Invisalign to work. There are many ways that teeth can be misaligned including overbites, underbites, crowding, and more. In general, crowding and gaps take slightly longer to fix than other issues. 

Some peoples’ teeth simply move quicker than other people. Usually, teens and young adults see results more quickly than other patients. However, a person’s genetics may also play a role, as some older adults see results quickly too. Every person, and their smile, is unique.

How To Make Sure Invisalign Works Quickly

Perhaps the most important factor in how long Invisalign takes is how well the patient complies with directions. Patients should wear their Invisalign aligners for about 22 hours each day. That gives about two hours for eating and drinking liquids other than water. 

If you leave your aligners out for longer, it can take longer for them to work. Invisalign works by slowly pushing against your teeth for long periods of time. The longer you wear them, the better they work. 

However, it’s equally important to take them off when you eat and drink anything other than water. You should also clean Invisalign trays properly every time. This helps prevent infections and gum disease, which could slow down your treatment timeline.

Invisalign in Attleboro

Ready to get the smile you’ve been waiting for? Attleboro Family Dental Care can help. Our patients enjoy compassionate care, convenient hours, and flexible payment options. We’re on a mission to make high-quality dental care accessible to all patients, and that includes Invisalign. 

Contact us today to request a consultation appointment. We will be happy to help you!